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Rent Date
This is contract NOT A Rent-To-Own contract. To continue a lower cost rent only plan check the box and go to the next step.
  I understand this is not a rent-to-own contract.
Size options
Rental Agreement
  I agree to the Instrument Rental Agreement.
Auto Payment Authorization
  I authorize Centreville Music Shop to charge recurring monthly payments without any discount after the paid term is over until the instrument is returned or paid off with the SAME CARD or the CHECKING ACCOUNT THAT WILL BE USED TO PROCESS THIS ORDER or with a newly updated card/checking account in the future. I will update the payment information as soon as any information is changed by phone, in person or electronically.
Processing time
  I understand the processing time for this rental will be 1-2 business days. I will be notified by the shop when the instrument is ready for a pickup.
Non proration Month-to-Month plan
  I acknowledge my monthly billing date will be the same as contract date each month and NO PRORATION shall be made for rental payments based on the day of return.
  I will bring my driver’s license for verification.
Print Legal Name
  Jessica Cosgriff
Brand Name
Serial Number
Instrument Condition
Specific Condition (other than normal wear and tear):
  Good used
Product Qty Unit Price Price
Cello Monthly Rental
1 $35.00 $35.00
Cello Monthly Insurance
  • Rental Plan: Month to Month with Insurance
1 $6.00 $6.00
One Time Online Rental Discount. (Online rental need 1-2 business processing time)
1 -$15.00 -$15.00
Slip Stop $7.99 added. You can choose a color when you pick up the cello.
1 $7.99 $7.99
  Sub Total $33.99
  Total $33.99

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